Grab your life jackets and strap on your spelunking boots, it’s time for VBS! We are inviting all kids grades K-5th to our five day summer event where they will learn about God, play games, eat snacks, do crafts, test their skills, accept challenges, win prizes and so much more! Here is what you need to know:
• Registration is FREE but knowing who is coming helps us plan. Sign up HERE!
• VBS is for any kids who will be starting Kindergarten through 5th grade in the fall. (If your child will be starting 6th grade in the fall, please check out Camp Revive!)
• The dates are June 17-21 (Mon-Fri) from 9AM-12PM daily.
• You don’t need to be a member of Hillside Church to attend. Kids are encouraged to bring as many friends as possible!